Binoviewer Comparison Page
This table below is a direct ray trace of how a particular clear aperture and optical path will interact with a set of eyepieces. In the columns below it is broken down into three different f/ratios. These f/ratios cover many important applications and represent a best case scenario to a worst case scenario. F/11.5 is a typical f/ratio for an SCT when using a binoviewer. F/7 is using the binoviewer a Refractor or SCT with a focal length reducer (FLR) in place giving roughly a 40% reduction off of the f/11.5. F/5.2 would represent a worst case scenario when a telescope such as a Dob is used with an optical corrector. The Figures below are the Full optical path of the binoviewer considered. EX: A 20mm plossl in the scopes focuser in contrast to the eyepiece holder of the binoviewer. The Optical path figures below are the difference in mm.
Newtonian Diagonal Analysisby Mel Bartelshttp://www.siebertoptics.com/DIAGONAL.HTM <<<Check figures here