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Eyepieces .965" / 1.25" / 2.0" / 2.7" / 3.0" / 4.0" / 4.3"


Large and Small Binocular Cleaning and Alignment services $99 Call or Email for details.


BT70 RA88 / Miyauchi / Kowa eyepieces


Binoviewer Alignment and Supercharge Services


(Specialized Binoviewer services you can't get anywhere else)


Advanced Barlow Lenses including: Modular and 4 element Telecentric magnification multipliers


1.25" and 2" Advanced Binoviewers From $649-$1999


 Binoviewer OCA's and Accessories


Adapters - Meade Scopes and ETX


Binoculars - Quality Modified


Large and Small Non Illuminated and Illuminated Cross haired eyepieces.






Camera Focus Adaptors


Camera Adapters - Universal


H-Alpha Focus Accessories




Special binoviewer services and products you cant get anywhere else 

Also can  >  Click here.   And here.


ICP's Image Correction Prisms for Newts




Extension Tubes


Large refractor modular OTA's


Eyepiece Comparisons


Focal Length Reducers




Planetary Fleece Blanket 


PST Accessories


Telecentric Barlow Lenses


Zero Magnification Adapter





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Saturn Earrings  

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(Specialized Binoviewer services you can't get anywhere else)


Sometimes in astronomy forums other binoviewer sellers will comment about other vendors serices. I take 2 days to do this service and do not cut corners. And for the premium service, I also install the best Self Centering Micro focus available. Other vendor services do not have this option or the ability to provide this option. Remember that vendors that sell binoviewer who talk on the forums are likely promoting themselves and would like to minimise the service of others like myself.

If you own a binoviewer that needs alignment Click here.

Can your binoviewer be Super Charged? To see (CLICK HERE)

Service #1 Binoviewer Body and Optical Supercharging for your Binoviewer.  Basic service $249 - See details below

Service #2 Binoviewer Body and Optical Supercharging with Self Centering focusers for your Binoviewer.  Basic service $349  - See details below

Make your already Good binoviewer into one of the best on the market. And that means like TV, Denk 2 or Binotron models. Units that can be Supercharged: includes: Burgess, Celestron, Orion, Williams Optics, Stellarvue, Moon Fish, Baader, and any other "like" Binoviewer you can think of. See details below.  Check here to see if your binoviewer qualifies for this upgrade or see bottom of this ad. 

The Clear aperture is enlargered and needs to be well Baffle to avoid off Axis reflections. If you see them in your bino baffling is lacking.  

Here is the Binoivewer diopters.

Diopter Video>>>Click here More here>>>1 - 2 - 3 <Right Click and choose (save link as) to download and save.

Self Centering Dioptors Instruction Videos Click Here. 


WO with SiebertOptics Self Centering Diopters


Add $69 For T-2 Free floating quick connect for T-2 low profile diagonals. The Black Anodized peices are the new design.

Fully Dielectric and Self Centering Double Diopters.



Yes this upgrade can make your binoviewer work on the order of a Binoviewer costing $900+ This conversion will widen the CA or "Clear Aperture" Micro Baffle your prisms instead of just stopping them down at the eyepiece holders as they do now. The prisms in your binoviewer are very big and can be made available for use by this Detailed upgrade.

Many of  the binoviewers listed above have very nice eyepiece holders and large Multi- Coated prisms. They have the shortest optical Path of any Quality binoviewer. The body is as well constructed as are most other Quality binoviewers. But they lack the attention to detail that could make them truly great binoviewers.

So why spend $900 or more when for $250 you can send them in for an Body and optical Supercharging. (To include my eyepiece holders as pictured below add $100) Not only will it improve them Optically for use with better and lower power eyepieces but the Prisms will be properly held in place as seen below and the sides will come back properly reattached and not glued on. The prisms will also be properly baffled and the internal Dia of the body will be widened.

As you have noticed these binoviewer usually come packaged with a set of 20mm WA or 23mm standard. This is all they can handle because they have been stopped down at the eyepiece holder to make up for their lack of proper baffling throughout the unit. The result is if you try to put those 32mm 50 deg ep's in you feel like you are looking though a set of soda straws. With this service you will now be able to use eyepieces better suited for Deepsky viewing. Like 24mm Panoptic's or my 24mm SWA Ultra's. You will find using these or even lower power eyepiece very useful. Combine this with one of my low power x1 or 1.3x OCA correctors and your scope becomes a truly outstanding deep sky instrument. If you don't have one of these binoviewers you can pick them up cheap on the net or get one of mine on the Black Night Dielectric page. Siebertoptics performs these conversions with as much care as possible but although it is rare we can not be responsible for the possible minor cosmetic issues that might result from conversion.   If you have questions Call or email.   HarrySiebert@nc.rr.com or  919 553 3980

These units are Guaranteed for 2 years with free collimation services. All you pay is shipping.

See below details of the conversion.

These Binoviewers have so much going for them. Now you can unleash their full potential with a simple upgrade and start enjoying what so many others have experienced in the higher levels of the binoviewing hobby.



Use the two images below to detemine if your binoviewer can be Super Charged to 25mm. Some older binoviewers can not be opened to the full 25mm. 

The binoviewer pictured on the Left has smaller clipped prisms and can only be opened up to 22mm at the bottom of the binoviewer prism entrance and at the eyepiece holders. They actually start out stopped down to 20mm making them vignette considerably. These can be opened to 22mm only

The newer binoviewer pictured on the right has larger prisms and can be opened to 25mm for a full Super Charge.






Binoviewer Alignment Services.

If you own a binoviewer that needs alignment you have come to the right place.

 What I have said on my Binocular page I will say here as well since I have found that customers who have had problems with their binoviewers have had similar experiences.

Do you have a Denk / Baader / TV / Denis Carl Zeiss or any one of the many binoviewer series out there that won't merge or just does not "Feel right".  

 I have been manufacturing Binoviewers and repairing binoculars for 20 years. I have developed a very sophisticated alignment process. With the correct combination of laser and visual alignment, Binoculars and Binoviewers can be made to performed at their best. My basic service is $129 for less expensive binoviewers. For the more avanced units TV, Denk, BW. Baader Denis and the like the basic Alignment services and cleaning of all reachable optical surfaces is $199. If more involved repairs are needed I will let you know in advance. To date I have never failed to resolve an issue so I do not believe your's will be the first. Turn around time is usually 2 weeks.

They come with a 2 year alightment warranty.(Does not include accidental dropping but will be checked for free and repaired for a 50% cost if alignment is needed again.)












































All listed products come with a 30-day money-back guarantee* unless otherwise stated.

Specialty order items are not refundable (items made specifically for you).

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  American Express. U.S. Money Orders, and Personal Checks (held 10 working days for clearing)Online payments may be made securely through




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