200 Short Johnson Road |
Eyepieces .965" / 1.25" / 2.0" / 2.7" / 3.0" / 4.0" / 4.3"
Large and Small Binocular Cleaning and Alignment services $99 Call or Email for details.
BT70 RA88 / Miyauchi / Kowa eyepieces
(Specialized Binoviewer services you can't get anywhere else) Advanced Barlow Lenses including: Modular and 4 element Telecentric magnification multipliers
1.25" and 2" Advanced Binoviewers From $649-$1999
Binoviewer OCA's and Accessories
Adapters - Meade Scopes and ETX
Large and Small Non Illuminated and Illuminated Cross haired eyepieces.
Special binoviewer services and products you cant get anywhere else Also can > Click here. And here.
ICP's Image Correction Prisms for Newts
Ladies Corner
Non-Astronomy Items
*Universal 1.2x OCA (HA-1.2x) for All H-Alpha scopes with1.25" Diagonals $219. All scopes user instructions for above 1.2x H-A OCA corrector Except 50+ Lunt. ----------------------------------------- *Universal 1.2x OCA (HA-1.2x) for Lunt H-Alpha scopes with1.25" Diagonals $219. Most Lunt scopes will need this adaptor (See instructions below)Add $30 Instructions for Lunt scopes 50mm-152mm+ Threaded and unthreaded Lunt tube adaptor. If you want an extra Black Lunt 2" focus tube sent with your order with the optics installed for Convenience Add $40
Baader/Maxbright may also need this 1.25" nosepiece w/T2 top to attach to binoviewer and use the OCA. ==================== ** PST 1.3x OCA (PST-1.3x) - $149 See review click here. User instructions for above 1.3x PST corrector ==================== Recommended eyepiece ranges for PST: 8mm-40mm 50x Max
Below is what can be used and seen with the new optical correctors that allows the PST or any other H- Alpha Telescope to be used with a Camera and binoviewer. These simple plug and play correctors are all you need to have comfortable 2 eye viewing with your TV, AP, Denk, BN, Burgess, SV, WO, Celestron, Orion and most other binoviewers you can think of. This Photo taken with a PST and a Black night binoviewer using a 19mm Ultra. Camera hand held.
These optical correctors can be use with any Binoviewer
in any H-Alpha telescope. Some thought that the PST could never use a binoviewer because of its limitations, but this is no longer the case. Shown
here is the 1.5x
corrector that has been discontinued in favor of the 1.3x corrector.. More H-A info
**Universal 1.3x OCA for PST -- all binoviewers. The 1.3x is an advanced corrector in their composition. You can use it with any binoviewer. Televue, AP Badder, BW-Optics, Denkmeier, Siebert Black Night Series and any $200 category binoviewer such as Burgess, Williams Optics, Stellarvue etc...... Eyepieces in the 9mm - 30mm range are best. Universal 1.3x OCA
*Zero profile 1.2x OCA for All H-Alpha scopes 40mm, 60mm, 70mm, 90mm CA with 1.25" diagonals This is a great corrector and is very easy to use. It also works on regular refractors when using a 1.25" diagonal and gives the same low magnification and razor sharp images. Eyepieces.. Any and all 1.25" format that does not over magnify image.
50mm Threaded inside tube instructions below. >>>Look at the Arrows direction. >>>
50mm and above Un-threaded inside tube instructions below. ------------- The Un-threaded version will come with the instuctions needed to install the focus adapter. Please let me know which Lunt tube you have and which instructions you will need..